Extensions don't work

Issue #18 resolved
michel_cevzar created an issue

When I try to use the default extension: - I land on the Bibsonomy 404 page when I press any of the keys

When I use the Bibsonomy scholar: - it autocompletes my tags but does not add bookmarks to Bibsonomy - search keeps loading and never does

Comments (19)

  1. Martin Becker

    Hi Michel,

    thanks for your feedback! For the BibSonomy Scholar extensions: I know this sounds obvious, but are you logged in on https://www.bibsonomy.org/ ? Also please make sure to log out and back in (and make sure you are logging in on the httpS page) just in case this is an artifact of BibSonomy moving to "https". If you still have issues with BibSonomy Scholar, please let me know.

    As for the normal BibSonomy buttons: they currently seem to be broken due to the move to HTTPS. I will forward this to the appropriate person.

    All the best, Martin

  2. michel_cevzar reporter

    Hello Martin,

    thank you for the quick reply.

    I tried what you proposed and still no change. I also restarted the browser and tried reinstalling the extensions.

    Best, Michel

    Blue skies ​, ​& nice AIs


    ........................................... https://mcevzar.github.io/ https://mcevzar.github.io/ michel.cevzar@gmail.com +386 30 458 300

    Team work makes dream work :D

  3. Martin Becker

    Hi Michel,

    Thanks for trying. One more obvious thing to check: which browser version are you using ("..." > "Help" > "About Google Chrome")? I am using "Version 54.0.2840.71 (64-bit)". Maybe there are some incompatibilities.

    Also, I am trying to think of a way to remotely debug things now ... if you have a moment or two, can you open the BibSonomy Scholar dialog by clicking on the "B" icon, right-click into the dialog and select "Inspect". Then click on the "console" tab. Now, add some tags and try to post the bookmark. In case any red messages appear in the console, can you please post them here?

    There is another place to check, but maybe this is already enough. I hope we can track down the issue.

    All the best, Martin

  4. michel_cevzar reporter

    Hello Martin,

    I am using the latest Chrome version: Version 54.0.2840.87 (64-bit)

    When I inspect the element is shows the following error:

    Error in event handler for (unknown): TypeError: Cannot read property

    When I click on the place in the code where it seems to be the problem it - action.html;

    line 323

    Maybe it's something inside the "chrome.runtime.sendMessage" function?

    If you need any more help with debugging just let me know :)

    Glad to help.

    Blue skies ​, ​& nice AIs


    ........................................... https://mcevzar.github.io/ https://mcevzar.github.io/ michel.cevzar@gmail.com +386 30 458 300

    Team work makes dream work :D

  5. michel_cevzar reporter

    Sorry it takes me to action.js; not html.

    Blue skies ​, ​& nice AIs


    ........................................... https://mcevzar.github.io/ https://mcevzar.github.io/ michel.cevzar@gmail.com +386 30 458 300

    Team work makes dream work :D

  6. Martin Becker

    Hi Michel,

    thanks for your time! The issue you are reporting is due to the initial search used to prepopulate the search results and hints at some erroneous requests.

    I fear we have to go a little deeper:

    • please open the chrome://extensions page
    • on the BibSonomy Scholar plugin, please hit the "background page" option
    • then hit F5 and go to the "Network" view
    • there should be some red entries in the form "db8850fa79ea97cb92f0d2c7018b4fe3?format=json"
    • besides those, are there other red entries?
    • If so, please click on one and let me know what the "Response" tab says.
    • Also it would be nice if you sent me a screenshot of the "Console" and the "Network" tab.

    Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks in advance.

    All the best, Martin

  7. michel_cevzar reporter

    No worries :)

    Screenshots are in the attachment.

    Blue skies ​, ​& nice AIs


    ........................................... https://mcevzar.github.io/ https://mcevzar.github.io/ michel.cevzar@gmail.com +386 30 458 300

    Team work makes dream work :D

  8. michel_cevzar reporter

    I seem to have an authentication problem.

    Blue skies ​, ​& nice AIs


    ........................................... https://mcevzar.github.io/ https://mcevzar.github.io/ michel.cevzar@gmail.com +386 30 458 300

    Team work makes dream work :D

  9. Martin Becker

    Thanks for checking. If is really an authentication problem, then you can try to hit the "reset" button in the BibSonomy Scholar dialog. Also, again, try to log out and back in on BibSonomy (httpS://bibsonomy.org). The following URL should show your profile to edit: https://www.bibsonomy.org/settings . Then hit the reset button again.

    I am planning to add the capability of directly specifying your API key to BibSonomy Scholar, which would makes things a lot more robust, I guess.

    Finally, I can't find the attachments. Where did you add them?

  10. michel_cevzar reporter

    Sorry I send the attachments through my email client and of course that didn't work.

    Tried to reset as you instructed again.

    I just wanted to propose the API key implementation :) I think indeed it would make things more robust.

    Thank you for the help Martin.

  11. Martin Becker

    Thanks! Some additional points:

    • You should reset your API key since it shows in the screenshots. It should be kept secret. You can do this via the Settings page on BibSonomy.

    • It is strange that the URLs are not working. Independently of BibSonomy Scholar, the following page should return some results: https://YOURUSERNAME:YOURAPIKEY@www.bibsonomy.org/api/users/michelc/posts?resourcetype=bibtex . Please substitute YOURUSERNAME and YOURAPIKEY appropriately and let me know the result. As mentioned above, you can find the API key on your settings page. If this does not work, things are getting really strange ;)

    • Someone is working on directly adding the API key to BibSonomy Scholar now. This may take a while though.

  12. michel_cevzar reporter

    Hey, thanks for the heads-up about the API, didn't notice.

    When I input my data into your url all I get is an authentication window and even if I input my data nothing except a window refresh happens and I looking into an empty authentication window again.

    I will post a screenshot.

  13. Daniel Zoller

    Could you please try it again, our automated spam framework wrongly classified you as spammer. We fixed that.

    We also added a workaround for the 404. Our buttons will be updated later.

    For security reasons I suggest regenerating your api key.

    Please reopen the ticket if problems persist.

  14. michel_cevzar reporter


    Thank you Martin. That was amazingly fast and responsive from you.

    I remain a very happy user of Bibsonomy.

  15. Martin Becker

    No problem and I am glad to hear it :D. It would not have been possible without our BibSonomy Wiz @nosebrain, though :)

    Also, I have added an issue ( #20 ) to warn users when they are flagged as spammers.

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