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BibSonomy Help Content / Screenshots for help pages

##Taking screenshots for help pages##

For a help page description sometimes it's the easiest way to use a screenshot to make your help description more understandable for the user.

If you want to take a screenshot, press the "Druck"-button on your keyboard to get a copy of what you saw at the screen at this moment.

Edit screenshots

Now you need to insert the screenshot into a graphic program to edit it (f.e. Paint). Open the graphic program and click on "Einfügen" or press STRG+V. You can now crop the image.

You can also add arrows or boxes to highlight different items of the screenshot. You can find the different symbols you can add and that were previously used in the screenshots in the folder "BibsonomyHelp" on the Desktop: choose the subfolder "Schrift", "material" and then the SVG-file "Comic". Open your screenshot in a new file with the program Inkscape and just copy the different symbols and add them to your screenshot.

Now don't forget to save the screenshot in the "img" folder of "bibsonomy-help-content". You need to save it in the folder with the corresponding name of the page you want to add the screenshot to. Please also save it in the BibsonomyHelp folder on the desktop (BibsonomyHelp/Screenshots).

(Note that you have to do this for both the English and German version.)

Add screenshots

Here's how you add your screenshot to a help page:

![ <File:nameofyourscreenshotfile.png>](nameoffolderwhereitssaved/nameofyourscreenshotfile.png  "fig: File:nameofyourscreenshotfile.png")

For example, you want to add a screenshot you named "overview1.png" to the help page named "userpage". You saved your screenshot in a folder named "userpage" in the "img"-folder of the English "bibsonomy-help-content" (bibsonomy-help-content/en/img/default/userpage). To add the screenshot to the help page, you need to type:

![ <File:overview1.png>](userpage/overview1.png  "fig: File:overview1.png")
