scraper for De Gruyter

Issue #15 resolved
Robert Jäschke created an issue

We need a scraper for pages like

For each article, there exist a page to export it, which is$002fj$002fcr.2013.29.issue-9$002fcr.2013.29.9.586$002fcr.2013.29.9.586.xml;jsessionid=BD5543154C373902B7EE218E4D544ACA?nojs=true for the above article. With some POST request magic it should then be possible to get RIS which can be converted to BibTeX then using one of the existing converters.

Comments (4)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Issue #15 is fixed. DeGruyterScraper constructs new url and send POST request and get RIS and convert it to BibTex.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    DeGruyterScraper constructs new url and send POST request and get RIS and convert it to BibTex.

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