Beautify Export Page

Issue #1981 resolved
Stephan Doerfel created an issue

The Export page (e.g. is reached whenever a user selects export on some post list page. It allows to select the number of posts to be exported as well as to choose a format. The current page is difficult to use.


  • A note explaines what to select (items and export format, alternatively using the select or clicking a format)
  • An alphabetically ordered table with all formats. I would imagine that it has three columns: An icon representing the format, the formats name and the explanation
  • The upper three rows of the table could be the most often used/recommended export formats (marked as such) -- e.g. BibTeX, EndNote and Word. This speeds up the selection for many users and also helps newbies to choose a style.
  • Please find a nicer way to deal with the JabRef notice. Currently the headline "JabRef" is a dead link, the most prominent element on the page and the footnote is rather large. Furthermore, it is a little confusing, that the Custom style - the only one that mentions JabRef in the description - does not have a * that indicates a JabRef style.
  • The Custom Layout using a user's own uploaded Layout should be treated different (e.g. marked up in the table or listed before the alphabetical list). Especially: When a user did not upload a Layout, and Custom is selected, the exception should be caught and the user should see an appropriate message


  • Find suitable items for the different styles and check that it is allowed to use them
  • Create the above described navigation (will require restructuring of the data and the layout)
  • Check and improve the descriptions of the formats, add missing descriptions

Comments (18)

  1. Robert Jäschke

    Yes, that page really needs some improvement!

    For the implementor: Please note that a part of the page is generated automatically from a list of Java objects (that are read from an XML file). This principle must be kept to avoid redundancy. Hence, alphabetical sorting must be implemented as a property of the list, e.g., by using a SortedSet instead (before doing that, check carefully the implications and report back here!)

  2. Robert Jäschke

    Hi, the new table looks really beautiful. Still, I have some comments:

    1. The form at the top still looks old style. Please migrate it to bootstrap.
    2. Is the parameter "?download=true" new? How and why is it implemented? How is it decided which format should be downloaded? I thought that until now the browser always decided what to do with each file format.
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