Fast edit tags is missing

Issue #2166 resolved
Stephan Doerfel created an issue

The direct tag editting for posts is no longer available. Please restore it.

Comments (8)

  1. Sebastian Böttger

    I think it isn't a good idea to realize that "feature". There is not enough room for edit fields in post lists. And there is no way I can think of how we could solve that.

  2. Sebastian Böttger

    If you find a good place for a new action button... If we place too much control elements on each item in the post list we will lose clarity. Keep it clear and simple!

  3. Robert Jäschke

    I agree but I think this feature is important. It's very cumbersume to add tags otherwise. I use it a lot, e.g., when I could not find a post on a first try and find it on the next try, I add the tag from the first try.

  4. Sebastian Böttger

    Ok, any suggestions? I'd prefer the modal popup solution. But where can I add the button for it?

  5. Robert Jäschke

    I don't know exactly what a "modal popup" is or how it looks like but probably it's a good alternative. The button could be added at the same position where it is in the old layout (I think the pen icon is also a good solution).

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