typo3 plugin: sorting by year not working since 16.9.2014

Issue #2171 resolved
Former user created an issue

I´m using the bibsonomy plugin for typo3 at Würzburg University.

Issue: Since last week, the plugin stopped sorting (and grouping) publications by year and it also does not display year anchors at the top of the publication list anymore.

What I do: Within the "sorting and ordering" tab of the typo plugin sorting by "year" is chosen, sorting order is "descending" and both boxes are checked (group by year, display year anchors).

What I get: The result is an unsorted list of the publications without any (obvious) system and grouping and no year actors at the top.

Alphabetic sorting by author is working.

Before the 16th of September sorting by year did work, and we did not change anything in the plugin settings (but a Rechenzentrum staff member deleted the typo cache that day (just in case this might be somehow relevant, but I´m no expert in this field)).

Comments (6)

  1. SceptiqueWoman

    Can anyone tell me, if this is a general problem (and known issue) or is it just in Wuerzburg, or even only on our homepage?

    Thank you! Aleks (It was me who created the issue)

  2. Andreas Hotho

    We are working on an bug fix. It seems to be a server bug and has nothing to do with the plugin.

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