put "group visibility" options on postPublication next to each other

Issue #2212 resolved
Robert Jäschke created an issue
  1. The "relevant for" option has not really something to do with visibility. I suggest to call this section "group options"
  2. The two options (viewable/relevant) require too much space. In particular, the "relevant for" selection box is very wide while the group names are very short. I suggest to put boxes side-by-side again. This looks much better.


Comments (8)

  1. Robert Jäschke reporter

    OK, I selected "other" and saw that then another field popped up to the right ... so there really is no space there. However, I suggest to don't let this field pop up (because then the form wobbles) but instead to always show it and just (de)activate it. Should be as easy as popping it up. Then it's also more obvious what options are available there.

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