Replace user icon when not logged in

Issue #2340 resolved
Martin Becker created an issue

When I am not logged in, Bibsonomy still shows a user icon on the right of the navigation bar (as if I was logged in). This should be changed so something like "sign in". It is confusing otherwise.

Comments (13)

  1. Martin Becker reporter

    I think, the way it is now, it is suggesting that one is already logged in. Which may be confusing. The common ideom is to show a "sign in" button:

    • etc.
  2. Martin Becker reporter

    Actually, it is still weird for the mobile version. There I still cannot see if I am logged in or not. To find it, I have to open the menu and scroll all the way down.

  3. Mario Holtmüller

    Now you can see the user icon all the time. If you are logged in, the normal submenu appears. If you are not logged in the submenu contains the login/register buttons.

    As well as that I found an issue, where the menu is wrapped into a second row on a screen size between 789 and about 1005 px. This can be seen in the live system. This issue has been removed by hiding the username on this screen resolutions. I hope this fix is ok.

  4. Mario Holtmüller

    I also added the userpage link (@username) for the mobile view when the user is logged in, so you can see instantly if you are logged in or not.

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