Usability when rating a publication post

Issue #24 resolved
Robert Jäschke created an issue

When rating a publication post, one has to select the number of stars and then enter a comment and save the review. There are several problems within that process:

  1. When I go the rating page and just select the stars, the starts change their color and it looks as if the rating has happened. However, this is not true: I need to enter a comment and save the rating. This is absolutely not clear! There should be some hint that just selecting starts is not sufficient.
  2. After selecting the stars and clicking into the comment field, the star selection disappears and I have to repeat it. That's a bug.

Comments (8)

  1. Robert Jäschke reporter

    Further, after I have rated a post, the new page that appears contains my review at the end and directly above the input form to enter a review. This bears two problems:

    1. I already have performed a review - so I should only be able to change the existing one but not enter a new one. Thus, the form could be hidden.
    2. Actually, the form does not allow me to select a rating again (to achieve 1) by disabling the stars but lets me only add a comment. It would be better to don't show the stars and the checkbox for rating a post at all.
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