Usability enhancement of "browse publications" page

Issue #2856 open
Oliver Vogels created an issue

As workaroround for issue #2550 I am currently using the browse publications page a lot.

However, I found the browse publication page only by chance because it seems to be visible only if "appearance" in user settings is switched to "adcanced". I wonder why this tool is switched off by default because I believe it to be the most handy way to filter personal publications.

Nevertheless, the layout of the list of entries filtering produces is somewhat crude. On the current Firefox (63.0 and previous versions) filtered entries appear as pure text. In fact, they are clickable, but link usability is restricted (javascript based links?). Turning the list into fully working linkgs (e.g. allowing for opening in a new tab etc.) would be highly appreciated.

Some minor issues concern the visible links at the right containing links to the Bibtex entry and URL/DOI. Those are hardly discernible due to unproper spacing. Moreover, proper spacing between list entries and displaying authors above the title would also increase readability and usability of the filtering results a lot.

Anyway, this filtering tool is great and I believe it should become one of the main tools to access the database!

Thanks a lot, Oliver

Comments (3)

  1. Andreas Hotho

    Thanks for the proposed enhancement. As the resources of our team are very limited and the software is open source, I invite you to make the proposed changes and to push it back. I would be happy to have the function you are describing but currently, I do not see a chance that we can implement it.

    Best Andreas

  2. Oliver Vogels reporter

    Dear Andreas, thanks for you immediate reply. Sure. I guessed that. There is a reason why priority is set to "trivial" ;-)

    I would need to dig deep into the functionality of the underlying mechanisms to enhance the layout myself and my time currently also is limited.

    But I also wanted to say there is a very good tool available, which may be rarely used because its hidden. Why not making it visible in the standard settings.

    Thanks and all the best, Oliver

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