DrawBitmap fails with 16 bits palette images

Issue #163 closed
woshijun92 created an issue

StreamReader readStream(FileStreamInput(NSStringToString(path)));

DataSet * testDataSet = CodecFactory::load(readStream);
const Image * firstImage = testDataSet->getImageApplyModalityTransform(0);
TransformsChain *transformsChain = new TransformsChain();
DrawBitmap *drawBitmap = new DrawBitmap(*transformsChain);
    UIImage* myUIImage = getImebraImage(*firstImage, *drawBitmap);
    [imgv setImage:myUIImage];

then the imgv.image is fill with black

Comments (12)

  1. woshijun92 reporter

    of course,I have. I can read some other dicom file , and get the UIImage object to show normal

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