None of the codecs support the specified transfer syntax ;transferSyntax = "1.2.840.10008."

Issue #166 invalid
woshijun92 created an issue

None of the codecs support the specified transfer syntax ;transferSyntax = "1.2.840.10008."

Comments (7)

  1. woshijun92 reporter

    what should I do if I want to let imebra support jpeg2000, can u give me some technical assistance like any link or pdf?

  2. Paolo Brandoli repo owner

    @woshijun92 you should integrate a jpeg2000 codec into the library. A past customer did it

  3. woshijun92 reporter

    The company which I work for , want to let the imebra support all dicom file of all format , of course, include Jpeg2000, even they can buy for it;

  4. Paolo Brandoli repo owner

    @woshijun92 I have already tried to integrate openjpeg into Imebra: using openjpeg Imebra is able to read the image you attached to this report.

    However, this requires some more polishing and will be added to the commercially available version of Imebra in about 10 days. Note that the solution will need the openjpeg library properly compiled and installed in order to work properly: on Linux the library usually comes already pre-packaged and available via the distribution of choice package manager.

    Openjpeg is licensed with a BSD license.

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