An empty string in the charset tag (0008,0005) indicate the default charset, but Imebra skips empty string in 0008,0005

Issue #340 closed
Paolo Brandoli repo owner created an issue

In the following code:

            // We found the charsets list
            if(tagId == 0x0008 && tagSubId == 0x0005)
                std::shared_ptr<handlers::readingDataHandler> charsetsHandler(pDataSet->getReadingDataHandler(0x0008, 0, 0x0005, 0));
                charsetsList_t charsets;
                for(size_t componentId(0); componentId != charsetsHandler->getSize(); ++componentId)
                    const std::string charset(charsetsHandler->getString(componentId));

replace the check for empty string with a push of the default charset.

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