Static objects don't get initialized when Imebra is built as a library

Issue #89 resolved
Paolo Brandoli repo owner created an issue

Some static objects are needed to initialize the library correctly.

When Imebra is built as a static or dynamic library then the static objects don't get initialized and as a consequence the codecs don't get registered,

Comments (4)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    When using imebra as a library in my library project everything works fine. But when I try to use my library who depends on imebra into a third project, I get the global member initializetion problem.

    The simple fact to invoque the dicomCodec class name elsewhere in the code make it's global member to initialize properly. I added this code before loading my images and now I can see the code getting executed :

    codecs::dicomCodec* pTmp = new codecs::dicomCodec(); delete pTmp;

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