Recipe Issues causing crashes with HEE

Issue #52 duplicate
Sean Hall created an issue

Minecraft - 1.7.10

Forestry -

Binnie-Mods - 2.0-DEV4

Forge -

Hardcore Ender Expansion - 1.6.2 and a Dev Build of 1.6.3

I am using Binnie-Mods in a closed dev version of the pack i help to maintain and update, and I ran into a issue a few days ago between HEE and Botany.

Issue: The issue is that some of your recipes are calling for a <null> item and causing HEE to crash the client.

I have been going back and forth with chylex about this crash for a few days, until he had me use a dev copy of HEE to find the errors that his mod was catching. I don't understand all of the details, however chylex has pointed out he is willing to help with finding a solution to the error, when you have a free moment to contact him.

FML Log:

Again: If you need any further information chylex has offered to explain the issue in greater detail

Sincerely, GodNero -RR PackDev

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