Broken (?) recipes causing other mods to have issues

Issue #67 duplicate
guntherdw created an issue

Dev4 has a couple recipes that seem to cause issues for other mods that query the recipelist, for example HardcoreEnderExpansion or Minechem.

I have also created an issue at Minechem's tracker but just wanted to actually notify the mod author of this issue.

Minechem link : We actually discussed a bit on IRC, but the issue wasn't fixed. I still have to try that latest commit though ( 1441849f206e352816a64e1530cfeaa19c890733 )

Comments (2)

  1. Unknown Name

    I can confirm the issue with HardcoreEnderExpansion. The crash report suggests recipes are registered before items, and the log appears to confirm that. Recipes in question seem to be from Botany.

    Crash Report

    Full Log The file was too big for pastebin .... Searching for "Previous entry caused an exception!" or just "previous" should help you.

    EDIT: Still occurs in dev-5

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