All recipes give MJ consuming machines

Issue #91 duplicate
Flick Penrose created an issue

Now that Buildcraft has switched to using RF (yes really) there's no way for me to power a machine that uses MJ ... but every recipe for the Genepool gives the MJ version.

Comments (4)

  1. John Arntz

    Duplicate of Issue #88. If you have any additional information to add to that bug, please comment there. If you have no additional information, please upvote Issue #88 so Binnie might give it priority.

  2. John Arntz

    Not sure if you can delete, you might be able to close it as a duplicate. Otherwise, Binnie will close it when he can get around to it. This is a great addon, but, Binnie goes to University, so he can't work on it that much while he's got classes.

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