Crash with FR

Issue #97 resolved
Simon Cavindish created an issue

well , I just updated my FR to v3.2.0.5 then cause a crash when startup. Here's the full crash-repo. Hope you can fix it soon.

Comments (12)

  1. Jermaine Garcia

    Try loading the mod into the 1.7.10 folder inside the mods folder. If the folder doesn't exist, create it and then drop it in there. (e.g., /mods/1.7.10/). Turns out that binnies mod needs to update the packaged BC api. So you probably don't want to connect any BM machines to BC stuff at the moment, it'll most likely crash.

  2. Jermaine Garcia

    There must be something else going on then. Sorry. :( I know it's working on my platform. I'm running a private server as well as a modpack developer and all my users are connecting the the server as we speak. Weird that it doesn't work for you.

  3. Simon Cavindish reporter

    So shall I put all mods into the 1710 folder or just put FR or BM into it? I'm a little bit confused.

  4. Jermaine Garcia

    Not all mods go into the 1.7.10 folder. Keep the mods in the "mods" folder. Only mod dependencies like wasliecore, asielib, etc., go into the 1.7.10 folder. That's the same folder you want to put binnies mod in. Let me know if it works or not.

  5. Simon Cavindish reporter

    Well, I downgrade the FR to version then there's no more crash.So I think it is the problem that binnie did't upgrade something to compact with the newest FR.

  6. John Arntz

    This is a duplicate of Issue #96. The Buildcraft API recently changed, and Forestry and Railcraft moved to the New API. Until Binnie gets around to updating and supporting the new API, it won't work unless you roll back to older versions of those mods that support the old BC API.

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