Indexer not Behaving Correctly

Issue #50 resolved
AstockyTeam created an issue

I have the standard indexer placed in my world with a full screen of bees but when trying to get one of the bees (when it's sorted in Species Mode) it can sometime pick out random bees when clicking rather than the one i have clicked on

Not sure if this is a bug or intentional as you could do this before but the basic indexer is not accepting piped input

When you have more than 1 page of bees you can't scroll using the button to the next page, it stays on the first

Comments (8)

  1. Luke Meckley

    For me, it picks the bee that would be in that grid position when sorting is set to "None" 100% of the time, regardless of the displayed bee in the other 2 sorting modes. Sometimes this just happens to be the right bee. Pretty easy to dupe. Select Species, Pick up the first bee. Observe what it is, and drop it. It should look like it snaps back to the front of the grid. Pick up the last bee, it's the one you just dropped. Rinse, repeat.

    If I had to guess the array index is pulled via grid position and then the bee is pulled from the unsorted original array rather than the displayed one? (I never coded Java before, so would not be shocked to be way off)

    Also, is the destruction of all stored bees upon breaking of the indexer intended?

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