Toggle margin or always fixed

Issue #14 resolved
Former user created an issue

Your sister package in VS Code (or extension) has two options; toggle margin and also a file format strategy being normal or always fixed, i.e. '"coboleditor.fileformat_strategy": "always_fixed",' and '"coboleditor.margin": true,'. This has the visual effect of highlighting the columns 1 to 6 or dimming them which I find useful. Thankyou for your work with this package.

Comments (2)

  1. Stephen Gennard repo owner

    VSCode has a lot more extension points than sublime has, so unfortunetly it is not possible to do this in sublime.

  2. Stephen Gennard repo owner

    VSCode has a lot more extension points than sublime has, so unfortunetly it is not possible to do this in sublime.

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