Stop specialcasing packages with "py" in name on Fedora

Issue #23 closed
Slavek Kabrda repo owner created an issue

Historically, we specialcased packages with "py" in name on Fedora, as they were named just "pypackagename", not "python-pypackagename". This is no longer true and all packages in Fedora have to be named in form "python-pypackagename" (unless they end with "-python", IIUC) [1]. pyp2rpm should reflect this change (e.g. pyp2rpm -n py should yield python-py spec/name/...).


Comments (5)

  1. Robert Kuska

    I played with pyp2rpm naming.

    pyp2rpm -n python-admob -p 3
    %global pypi_name python-admob
    Name:           python-%{pypi_name}
    %package -n     python3-%{pypi_name}

    I will try fix those too along with py specialcasing.

  2. Robert Kuska
    • changed status to open

    pyp2rpm now when generating (Build)Requires changes pytest into python-pytest and we have no such package in fedora pkgdb.

    I reopen this again to track this.

    I have basically two ideas how to deal with this; use list of most common pyfoo named packages already in fedora pkgdb and skip 'rpmizing' their names or wait until pyfoo packages will provide python-pyfoo.

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