
Clone wiki

Menu Manager /

Create your own templates


By default, the menu and each type of node has its own template. You can choose to customize all the node type templates, just the ones you need to customize or none of them of course. In order to create a template for a menu you need to know its identifier because it will be used has the name of the folder where the templates will be.


This is the path you have to follow to create your customized templates :

Blackbird/MenuManager/view/frontend/templates/menu/view/<identifier of your menu>/nodetype/<name of the nodetype>.phtml


The names of the templates have to be either : category, cms_block, cms_page, customfield, group, product or content (if you have ACM2). Before creating your own templates, make sure to look the default ones in order to create your own properly. By default, the templates are in the default folder instead of the folder named after your menu identifier.
