Improve help document to explain URL and program launching

Issue #11 resolved
Former user created an issue

I love your program, it's simple and easy to use. Just what I needed. So I think it's a great job.

Maybe its an option to add the possibility to make a shortcut to force a check for mail or to start your mailprogram (ie Outlook.exe)

If not, no problem. I love it anyway

Comments (4)

  1. wcb repo owner
    • changed milestone to 0.9.18
    • assigned issue to
    • removed version
    • marked as task

    You can left click or right click the tray icon and options will appear. There is an item called "check now" that will force a check for all profiles.

    The items in the right click context menu will launch the URL first, and if that doesn't exist, then it will launch the program. If neither field is filled in for that profile, then the item will do nothing. If both options are filled in, then it will launch the website and the program.

    The items in the left click options area will launch the URL. If you filled in the program option then a "P" link should appear next to it which will launch the program for that profile.

    I'm leaving this issue open to remind me to improve the help document to better explain this.

  2. wcb repo owner

    re-added graphics, updated wxPython to, fixed error in install script, improved documentation (resolves #11), fixed bug in "Login URL" (HTTP Login) saving for reddit profiles

    → <<cset 88d361df0a09>>

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