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blaze / Element Selections

Element selections provide views on arbitrary compositions of elements of dense and sparse vectors. These views act as a reference to the selected elements and represent them as another dense or sparse vector. This reference is valid and can be used in every way any other dense or sparse vector can be used as long as the vector containing the elements is not resized or entirely destroyed. The element selection also acts as an alias to the vector elements in the specified range: Changes made to the elements (e.g. modifying values, inserting or erasing elements) are immediately visible in the vector and changes made via the vector are immediately visible in the elements.

Setup of Element Selections

An element selection can be created very conveniently via the elements() function. It can be included via the header files

#include <blaze/Blaze.h>
// or
#include <blaze/Math.h>
// or
#include <blaze/math/Elements.h>

and forward declared via the header file

#include <blaze/Forward.h>

The indices of the elements to be selected can be specified either at compile time or at runtime (by means of an initializer list, array or vector):

blaze::DynamicVector<double,blaze::rowVector> x;
// ... Resizing and initialization

// Selecting the elements 4, 6, 8, and 10 (compile time arguments)
auto e1 = elements<4UL,6UL,8UL,10UL>( x );

// Selecting the elements 3, 2, and 1 (runtime arguments via an initializer list)
const std::initializer_list<size_t> list{ 3UL, 2UL, 1UL };
auto e2 = elements( x, { 3UL, 2UL, 1UL } );
auto e3 = elements( x, list );

// Selecting the elements 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, and 1 (runtime arguments via a std::array)
const std::array<size_t> array{ 1UL, 2UL, 3UL, 3UL, 2UL, 1UL };
auto e4 = elements( x, array );
auto e5 = elements( x,, array.size() );

// Selecting the element 4 fives times (runtime arguments via a std::vector)
const std::vector<size_t> vector{ 4UL, 4UL, 4UL, 4UL, 4UL };
auto e6 = elements( x, vector );
auto e7 = elements( x,, vector.size() );

Note that it is possible to alias the elements of the underlying vector in any order. Also note that it is possible to use the same index multiple times.

Alternatively it is possible to pass a callable such as a lambda or functor that produces the indices:

blaze::DynamicVector<double,blaze::rowVector> x{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };

// Selecting all even elements of the vector, i.e. selecting (0,2,4,6,8)
auto e1 = elements( x, []( size_t i ){ return i*2UL; }, 5UL );

// Selecting all odd elements of the vector, i.e. selecting (1,3,5,7)
auto e2 = elements( x, []( size_t i ){ return i*2UL+1UL; }, 4UL );

// Reversing the elements of the vector, i.e. selecting (8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0)
auto e3 = elements( x, [max=v.size()-1UL]( size_t i ){ return max-i; }, 9UL );

The elements() function returns an expression representing the view on the selected elements. The type of this expression depends on the given arguments, primarily the type of the vector and the compile time arguments. If the type is required, it can be determined via the decltype specifier:

using VectorType = blaze::DynamicVector<int>;
using ElementsType = decltype( blaze::elements<4UL,12UL>( std::declval<VectorType>() ) );

The resulting view can be treated as any other dense or sparse vector, i.e. it can be assigned to, it can be copied from, and it can be used in arithmetic operations. An element selection created from a row vector can be used as any other row vector, an element selection created from a column vector can be used as any other column vector. The view can also be used on both sides of an assignment: It can either be used as an alias to grant write access to specific elements of a vector primitive on the left-hand side of an assignment or to grant read-access to specific elements of a vector primitive or expression on the right-hand side of an assignment. The following example demonstrates this in detail:

blaze::DynamicVector<double,blaze::rowVector> x;
blaze::CompressedVector<double,blaze::rowVector> y;
blaze::DynamicMatrix<double,blaze::rowMajor> A;
// ... Resizing and initialization

// Selecting the elements 1, 3, 5, and 7
auto e = elements( x, { 3UL, 5UL, 7UL, 9UL } );

// Setting the elements 1, 3, 5, and 7 of x to the 2nd row of matrix A
e = row( A, 2UL );

// Setting the elements 2, 4, 6, and 8 of x to y
elements( x, { 2UL, 4UL, 6UL, 8UL } ) = y;

// Setting the 3rd row of A to the elements 5, 4, 3, and 2 of x
row( A, 3UL ) = elements( x, { 5UL, 4UL, 3UL, 2UL } );

// Rotating the result of the addition between y and the 1st row of A
x = elements( y + row( A, 1UL ), { 3UL, 4UL, 1UL, 2UL } )

Please note that using an element selection, which refers to an index multiple times, on the left-hand side of an assignment leads to undefined behavior:

blaze::DynamicVector<int,blaze::rowVector> a{ 1, 2, 3 };
blaze::DynamicVector<int,blaze::rowVector> b{ 1, 2, 3, 4 };

auto e = elements( a, { 1, 1, 1, 1 } );  // Selecting the element 1 four times
e = b;  // Undefined behavior

In this example both vectors have the same size, which results in a correct vector assignment, but the final value of the element at index 1 is unspecified.

Warning: It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure the element selection does not outlive the viewed vector:

// Creating an element selection on a temporary vector; results in a dangling reference!
auto e = elements<1UL,3UL>( DynamicVector<int>{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } );

Element Access

The elements of an element selection can be directly accessed via the subscript operator. The indices to access an element selection are zero-based:

blaze::DynamicVector<double,blaze::rowVector> v;
// ... Resizing and initialization

// Selecting the elements 2, 4, 6, and 8
auto e = elements( v, { 2UL, 4UL, 6UL, 8UL } );

// Setting the 1st element of the element selection, which corresponds to
// the element at index 4 in vector v
e[1] = 2.0;

Alternatively, the elements of an element selection can be traversed via iterators. Just as with vectors, in case of non-const element selections, begin() and end() return an iterator, which allows to manipulate the elements, in case of constant element selections an iterator to immutable elements is returned:

blaze::DynamicVector<int,blaze::rowVector> v( 256UL );
// ... Resizing and initialization

// Creating an element selection including specific elements of dense vector v
auto e = elements( v, { 0UL, 3UL, 6UL, 9UL, 12UL } );

// Traversing the elements via iterators to non-const elements
for( auto it=e.begin(); it!=e.end(); ++it ) {
   *it = ...;  // OK: Write access to the dense vector value.
   ... = *it;  // OK: Read access to the dense vector value.

// Traversing the elements via iterators to const elements
for( auto it=e.cbegin(); it!=e.cend(); ++it ) {
   *it = ...;  // Compilation error: Assignment to the value via iterator-to-const is invalid.
   ... = *it;  // OK: Read access to the dense vector value.
blaze::CompressedVector<int,blaze::rowVector> v( 256UL );
// ... Resizing and initialization

// Creating an element selection including specific elements of sparse vector v
auto e = elements( v, { 0UL, 3UL, 6UL, 9UL, 12UL } );

// Traversing the elements via iterators to non-const elements
for( auto it=e.begin(); it!=e.end(); ++it ) {
   it->value() = ...;  // OK: Write access to the value of the non-zero element.
   ... = it->value();  // OK: Read access to the value of the non-zero element.
   it->index() = ...;  // Compilation error: The index of a non-zero element cannot be changed.
   ... = it->index();  // OK: Read access to the index of the sparse element.

// Traversing the elements via iterators to const elements
for( auto it=e.cbegin(); it!=e.cend(); ++it ) {
   it->value() = ...;  // Compilation error: Assignment to the value via iterator-to-const is invalid.
   ... = it->value();  // OK: Read access to the value of the non-zero element.
   it->index() = ...;  // Compilation error: The index of a non-zero element cannot be changed.
   ... = it->index();  // OK: Read access to the index of the sparse element.

Element Insertion

Inserting/accessing elements in a sparse element selection can be done by several alternative functions. The following example demonstrates all options:

blaze::CompressedVector<double,blaze::rowVector> v( 256UL );  // Non-initialized vector of size 256

std::vector<size_t> indices;
// ... Selecting indices of the sparse vector

auto e = elements( v, indices );

// The subscript operator provides access to the selected elements of the sparse vector,
// including the zero elements. In case the subscript operator is used to access an element
// that is currently not stored in the sparse vector, the element is inserted.
e[42] = 2.0;

// The second operation for inserting elements via the element selection is the set() function.
// In case the element is not contained in the vector it is inserted into the vector, if it is
// already contained in the vector its value is modified.
e.set( 45UL, -1.2 );

// An alternative for inserting elements into the vector is the insert() function. However, it
// inserts the element only in case the element is not already contained in the vector.
e.insert( 50UL, 3.7 );

// Just as in case of vectors, elements can also be inserted via the append() function. In case
// of element selections, append() also requires that the appended element's index is strictly
// larger than the currently largest non-zero index of the selection and that the selections's
// capacity is large enough to hold the new element. Note however that due to the nature of an
// element selection, which is an alias to arbitrary elements of a sparse vector, the append()
// function does not work as efficiently for an element selection as it does for a vector.
e.reserve( 10UL );
e.append( 51UL, -2.1 );

Common Operations

An element selection can be used like any other dense or sparse vector. For instance, the number of selected elements can be obtained via the size() function, the current capacity via the capacity() function, and the number of non-zero elements via the nonZeros() function. However, since element selections are references to a specific range of a vector, several operations are not possible, such as resizing and swapping. The following example shows this by means of an element selection on a dense vector:

blaze::DynamicVector<int,blaze::rowVector> v( 42UL );
// ... Resizing and initialization

// Selecting the elements 5 and 10
auto e = elements( v, { 5UL, 10UL } );

e.size();          // Returns the number of elements in the element selection
e.capacity();      // Returns the capacity of the element selection
e.nonZeros();      // Returns the number of non-zero elements contained in the element selection

e.resize( 84UL );  // Compilation error: Cannot resize an element selection

auto e2 = elements( v, { 15UL, 10UL } );
swap( e, e2 );   // Compilation error: Swap operation not allowed

Arithmetic Operations

Both dense and sparse element selections can be used in all arithmetic operations that any other dense or sparse vector can be used in. The following example gives an impression of the use of dense element selections within arithmetic operations. All operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, scaling, ...) can be performed on all possible combinations of dense and sparse element selections with fitting element types:

blaze::DynamicVector<double,blaze::rowVector> d1, d2, d3;
blaze::CompressedVector<double,blaze::rowVector> s1, s2;

// ... Resizing and initialization

blaze::DynamicMatrix<double,blaze::rowMajor> A;

std::initializer_list<size_t> indices1{ 0UL, 3UL, 6UL,  9UL, 12UL, 15UL, 18UL, 21UL };
std::initializer_list<size_t> indices2{ 1UL, 4UL, 7UL, 10UL, 13UL, 16UL, 19UL, 22UL };
std::initializer_list<size_t> indices3{ 2UL, 5UL, 8UL, 11UL, 14UL, 17UL, 20UL, 23UL };

auto e( elements( d1, indices1 ) );  // Selecting the every third element of d1 in the range [0..21]

e = d2;                         // Dense vector assignment to the selected elements
elements( d1, indices2 ) = s1;  // Sparse vector assignment to the selected elements

d3 = e + d2;                         // Dense vector/dense vector addition
s2 = s1 + elements( d1, indices2 );  // Sparse vector/dense vector addition
d2 = e * elements( d1, indices3 );   // Component-wise vector multiplication

elements( d1, indices2 ) *= 2.0;      // In-place scaling of the second selection of elements
d2 = elements( d1, indices3 ) * 2.0;  // Scaling of the elements in the third selection of elements
d2 = 2.0 * elements( d1, indices3 );  // Scaling of the elements in the third selection of elements

elements( d1, indices1 ) += d2;  // Addition assignment
elements( d1, indices2 ) -= s2;  // Subtraction assignment
elements( d1, indices3 ) *= e;   // Multiplication assignment

double scalar = elements( d1, indices2 ) * trans( s1 );  // Scalar/dot/inner product between two vectors

A = trans( s1 ) * elements( d1, { 3UL, 6UL } );  // Outer product between two vectors

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