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blaze / Scalar Multiplication

The scalar multiplication is the multiplication of vector or a matrix with a scalar value. Alternatively it is also possible to divide a vector or a matrix by a scalar value. In Blaze it is possible to use all built-in/fundamental data types except bool as scalar values. Additionally, it is possible to use std::complex values with the same built-in data types as element type.

blaze::StaticVector<int,3UL> v1{ 1, 2, 3 };

blaze::DynamicVector<double>   v2 = v1 * 1.2;    // Scalar multiplication
blaze::CompressedVector<float> v3 = -0.3F * v1;  // Scalar multiplication
blaze::DynamicVector<double>   v4 = v1 / 1.2;    // Scalar division
blaze::CompressedVector<float> v5 = 12.0F / v1;  // Scalar division (only dense vectors)
blaze::StaticMatrix<int,3UL,2UL> M1{ { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 }, { 5, 6 } };

blaze::DynamicMatrix<double>   M2 = M1 * 1.2;    // Scalar multiplication
blaze::CompressedMatrix<float> M3 = -0.3F * M1;  // Scalar multiplication
blaze::DynamicMatrix<double>   M4 = M1 / 1.2;    // Scalar division
blaze::CompressedMatrix<float> M5 = 12.0F / M1;  // Scalar division (only dense matrices)

Vectors and matrices cannot be used for as scalar value for scalar multiplications or divisions (see the following example). However, each vector and matrix provides the scale() function, which can be used to scale a vector or matrix element-wise with arbitrary scalar data types:

blaze::CompressedMatrix< blaze::StaticMatrix<int,3UL,3UL> > M1;
blaze::StaticMatrix<int,3UL,3UL> scalar;

M1 * scalar;  // No scalar multiplication, but matrix/matrix multiplication

M1.scale( scalar );  // Scalar multiplication

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