
Clone wiki

DimensionalControl / Biomes

  • Type:
  • Usage:

    • This is used by the "World Chunk Manager" option "CUSTOM_DC" for generating the biome map.
    • Key:
      • Type:
        • String
      • Usage:
        • This key is the type of biome the list is for. Options are "OCEAN", "DESERT", "WARM", "COOL", "ICY".
    • Value:
      • Type:
      • Usage:
        • This value is a list of BiomeData objects to be used as the list of weighted biomes for the keys biome type.
  • In Depth Explanation:

    • This is used by the "CUSTOM_DC" WorldChunkManager for generating the biome map. There is a base "heat" map sort of thing, and each of the different Key options is used as the weighted biome list for part of that "heat" map. Any of the Key options not used will have its entire area filled with biome 0.
  • Example:

Approximation of vanilla:

    "Biomes": {
        "DESERT": [
                "ID": 2,
                "Weight": 30
                "ID": 35,
                "Weight": 20
                "ID": 1,
                "Weight": 10
                "ID": 37,
                "Weight": 10
                "ID": 38,
                "Weight": 30
        "WARM": [
                "ID": 4,
                "Weight": 10
                "ID": 29,
                "Weight": 10
                "ID": 3,
                "Weight": 10
                "ID": 1,
                "Weight": 10
                "ID": 27,
                "Weight": 10
                "ID": 6,
                "Weight": 10
                "ID": 21,
                "Weight": 10
        "COOL": [
                "ID": 4,
                "Weight": 10
                "ID": 3,
                "Weight": 10
                "ID": 5,
                "Weight": 10
                "ID": 1,
                "Weight": 10
                "ID": 32,
                "Weight": 10
        "ICY": [
                "ID": 12,
                "Weight": 30
                "ID": 30,
                "Weight": 10

For versions 1.0 to 1.3.0:

  • Type:
    • int array
  • Usage:
    • This is the array of biome ids to use when generating the biome map in the dimension. This only works if using the world chunk manager WorldChunkManager, otherwise known as "SURFACE".
