Infinite paragon

Issue #138 resolved
Former user created an issue

I'm managed to get excess paragon on canceling the reset in middle of it

my order of actions

State: have 448 paragon, chat is online, active kitten scientist, google chrome browser 1) go to time tab, getting ready for reset 2) click reset button 3) get window of warning of reset effects 4) click OK 5) get new window, now about refreshing that page 6) click no 7) click save button 8) refresh page manually, by f5 for example

Results: i keep all my stuff, ALL previous game state, buildings resources, e.t.c

but get additional paragon 448+226=674

so i don't lose anything and get new paragon

(TY for reading my not so good english)

Yours' Krab

Comments (2)

  1. Valentin Kulakov

    i'm managed to simplify order

    (Have chat open, and log in) 1)push reset 2)confirm reset 3)get window about refreshing tab on chrome(becose of chat) 4)cancel refreshing 5) push save button 6) refresh - > WIN

    (if you repeat steps 1->5 in a lop "X" times, and then refresh, you will get additional paragon for each of "X" loops)

  2. coderpatsy

    Stop resets affecting current state

    Resetting only generates a new save code, so resets cannot be stacked. Also makes it safer in case of error mid-reset.

    Fixes #138

    → <<cset 0c004180e639>>

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