Selling space buildings

Issue #95 resolved
Former user created an issue

Since v1.3.0 I have been unable to sell any space buildings (or void space upgrades for that matter). I have the hide sell button option disabled ofcourse and have refreshed the tab multiple times. Other buildings and even the religion upgrades can be sold without issues.

P.S. When I refresh the page and click the Time tab for the first time I can see sell buttons on everything except Chronocontrol but as soon as I click the Time tab again (either straight away or after switching to another tab first) they disappear for the session. This does not apply to the Space tab, those sell buttons are never shown.

Comments (3)

  1. freeroot

    Space buildings could never be sold since the beginning of the game, it's not an issue.

    Concerning P.S., we saw it but because it's a weird bug it is not fixed for the moment.

    Thx for your feedback.

  2. freeroot

    Sell links rebuild - Sell links for buildings, religion's upgrades and space buildings. - Change the way to code sell links : false by default, add function hasSellLink else. (fixes #95) - Variable refundPercentage for buttons to configure the level of refund. - Variable refundable for resources to configure if a resource can be refunded (oil, kerosene and thorium can't be refunded because they are burned). - When sell links are displayed, toogle links aren't displayed. (display fix)

    → <<cset 3c653746e913>>

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