EMA-Information titles not aligning, and pushing inconsistantly

Issue #23 resolved
Oliver Holretz created an issue
  1. When i move “Space For Gold” slider back and forth it doesn’t push the other info colums, only the titles
  2. “Bag Space” is not center aligned, so it stays a static distance to “Gold” while moving “Space For Other” slider

Note: this is a download from commit 56410fc, i just noted it wasn’t up already on curse even though it was said to be going up on discord

Comments (5)

  1. Jennifer Calladine repo owner


    EMA Version: v1.13.2-Release-v0.6(121021) Game Version: 1.13.2 Release Date: 24/9/2019


    -- Fixed Issue #23


    -- Fixed A Bug Where The Groups On Boe And Crafting Reagents Was Not Getting Send To Other Team Members -- Added Gray Item Support ( So You Can Have A Trash Character )

    → <<cset cbe25e70a0fd>>

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