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EMA / EMA vs Jamba

# EMA vs Jamba #

EMA is a fork of Jamba was known as Jamba-EE am not going into here why Jamba and EMA went there own ways but they did, EMA was New Code that was worked one for over a year a lot of stuff apart from Core was redone from the ground up. In this New tons of new stuff was added there was a New GUI and a all out better layout for options much of the old code was just there have been cleaned up in noway is EMA anywhere close to done on this. There be a roadMap soon™ that will show new stuff i am Working on.

I would Like to make EMA the Best multiboxing Addon For world of Warcraft Both Live and the New Classic Versions that will be coming out at some point in time most of the rewire was to help with this and the old painful ways of updating the addon!

EMA Has Cut Down on the 3rd party Libs its uses and is trying to use tons of new API blizzard has added over the years making a lot of this code unless and was nerver updated and that has made it harder to support going foreword.

Your EMA Dev Jennifer Cally

3rd Party Module Support NO Yes
Modular Support No Yes
New Stuff Planed? Yes Unlikely to be updated with new stuff as far as i know
Devs box them self's and use the addon Yes no
Support Classic WOW Yes* Unknown
Configure EMA options for all characters from just one character. Yes Yes
Updated Code to support BFA a lot was Rewritten most been hacked in since Mop
------- Modules ----------
Team Setup Yes Yes
Group/Tag Yes Easier and faster Yes
Isboxer support Yes though a module yes out the box
Quests Support yes yes
Quests-Wacher Yes with updated code yes
Follow Yes with keybindings & Follow in pvp combat warning yes
Talk yes yes
Mount with Team Yes No support for bfa
Loot Yes with faster support and better UI avd loot
Taxi Yes Yes
Merchant Sell Items/BlackList Items sells all items in one go super fast yes
Trade Yes With better GUI/Support Yes
Guild Yes No
Mail Yes No
Toon Yes With New Stuff (EG: WarMode support) yes
Item Bar Yes With Team Item Count Yes
FTL No Yes

*Should be supported
