
Clone wiki

Nuclear_Morphology / Citing

How to cite the software

If you use the software, please cite the main paper for the morphology analysis. If you use the signal warping, then please also consider citing the warping paper.

Morphological analysis

  • Skinner BM, Rathje CC, Bacon J, Johnson EEP, Larson EL, Kopania EEK, Good JM, Yousafzai G, Affara NA, Ellis PJI. A high-throughput method for unbiased quantitation and categorisation of nuclear morphology. Biol Reprod 2019. doi:10.1093/biolre/ioz013.

  • Skinner BM. Nuclear Morphology Analysis 2.0.0: Improved image analysis software for measuring nuclear shape. Journal of Open Source Software 2022. doi:10.21105/joss.04767.

Signal warping

  • Skinner BM, Bacon J, Rathje CC, Larson EL, Kopania EEK, Good JM, Affara NA, Ellis PJI. Automated Nuclear Cartography Reveals Conserved Sperm Chromosome Territory Localization across 2 Million Years of Mouse Evolution. Genes 2019; 10:109. doi:10.3390/genes10020109
