
Clone wiki

Nuclear_Morphology / Versions

Version history

[+] Added  
[=] Altered  
[*] Bugfix  

Version 2


[+] Added ability to mask foreground in single cell nuclei image export
[+] Added ability to export normalised outlines of nuclei starting at landmarks
[+] Added ruleset information to analysis information tab
[+] Added nucleus IDs to exported measurements
[=] Nucleus IDs are calculated from position and outline for reproducibility
[=] Added extra error information when image files cannot be read
[*] Fixed issue overwriting source analysis options when copying dataset options
[*] Fixed issue displaying user interface when Java version has no . in version string
[*] Fixed issue displaying progress bar updates when opening datasets


[+] Added UMAP clustering method
[+] Added consensus nucleus outlines and nucleus images to dimensionality reduction plots
[+] Added ability to use dimensionality reduction for display only
[+] Added ability to toggle RGB images in manual clustering
[+] Added ability to set single nucleus image export size and RGB/greyscale
[+] Added ability to save charts to PNG or SVG at standard journal column widths
[+] Added table to nucleus detector showing object sizes and circularities
[=] Improved range of command line arguments
[*] Fixed issue importing .nmd files with merged segments
[*] Fixed issue exporting analysis options


A major rewrite of the internal architecture to provide speed, stability and flexibility improvements at the expense of losing backwards compatability with previous .nmd files. This also bundles the relevant Java version into the downloaded software for Windows and Linux, removing the need for users to maintain their own Java installation. For a full list of changes, see the commit log. Listed below are some of the user-noticable changes.

[+] Added ability to create user defined rulesets
[+] Added new XML nmd format to replace binary format
[+] Added bundled user guide
[+] Added Java runtime in downloads
[=] Improved speed of analysis
[=] Improved UI responsiveness for large datasets
[=] Simplified consensus nucleus display
[=] Integrated signal warping into signals tabs
[=] Simplified segment and landmark editing

Version 1


[+] Added ability to export warped images with dual pseudocolours and consensus outlines
[+] Added ability to open launch configuration file from Edit menu
[=] Revised UI for signal warping
[*] Fixed issue assigning cells to clusters if some cells are not in a cluster
[*] Fixed issue scaling source images opened from individual cells panel
[*] Fixed issue launching when no internet connection is available
[*] Fixed issue with manually assigned tags being lost when datasets are merged


[*] Fixed issue updating dataset source folder in options
[*] Fixed issue fitting prober images to screen size
[*] Fixed issue blending warped signals with arbitary signal colours
[=] Set tag menu items to be coloured in cell segment editing popup


[*] Fixed issue displaying signal colour row at full height in signal overview table
[*] Fix issue copying merged segments to a child dataset created by manual curation


[*] Fixed issue exporting segmented profiles charts when profile length >1000 


[+] Added ability to choose normalised profile length on export
[+] Added ability to import border tag rules from file
[+] Rulesets can be applied on a per-nucleus basis as well as via the median
[=] Replaced rulesets dialog with cleaner UI


[+] Added button to allow profile reversal in individual cells
[*] Fixed mesh view for individual cells when rotated vertically
[*] Fixed issue exporting segmented profiles charts when profile length >1000 


[*] Fixed issue annotating cell borders when image is larger than panel size
[*] Fixed issue displaying profile charts when profile length >1000 


[*] Fixed issue running clustering


[+] Added ability to select nmd save format (standard or XML) to main options (default remains standard)
[+] Added ability to export raw profiles from nuclei
[+] Added ability to export interpolated nucleus outlines
[+] Added ability to export SVG outlines with micron scaling as well as pixel
[=] Log files are now saved to the user home directory by default
[*] Fixed issue displaying image names containing a UUID


[*] Fixed issue calculating hook length and body width


[+] Added ability to mask background for single nucleus export
[+] Added ability to merge signal groups within a dataset
[*] Fixed issue displaying clustering setup with small datasets


[+] Added dimensionality reduction for clustering by t-SNE or PCA
[+] Allow clustering on multiple profiles
[*] Fix segmentation issue when merging datasets with manual segmentation patterns
[*] Fix problem curating new child datasets when blank cell in curation table selected
[=] Improved detection settings and cluster table layout
[=] Combined segment and tag views in the Cells tab


[*] Fix threading on individual cell panels


[*] Fixed issue updating individual cell segments from child datasets


[=] Cluster mapping file does not need all nuclei present; missing nuclei are ignored
[*] Fixed UI update errors


[+] Added multithreading to signal warper
[*] Fixed range overflows in combined warped images
[*] Fixed file paths for signal groups added by workflows


[+] Added ability to check for new version via Help>Check for updates
[+] Added MS-SSIM calculations to signal warper


[*] Fixed image prober settings enabled on creation
[*] Fixed scatter chart display when two datasets have the same name
[*] Fixed misdefinition: aspect ratio renamed to ellipticity


[+] Workflows defined by xml files  
[+] Shell analysis comparison of multiple datasets  
[+] Dockable UI  
[+] FISH signal counts chart and filtering  
[+] Filtering of cells based on shell results  
[=] Segmentation uses a new method for segment fitting  
[=] Shell analysis random distributions are calculated from cells, not estimated  
[=] Workspace file format changed to xml to include metadata  
[*] Signal angles calculated correctly  


[+] Refold override added to global options  
[+] Dataset names in consensus nucleus SVG exports  
[+] Ability to refold multiple consensus nuclei at once  
[+] Image folder name included as column in dataset stats export  
[+] Workspaces displayed in populations panel  
[+] Coefficient of variability to nuclear stats table  
[+] Ability to change image source folder from Images tab  
[=] Better detection and alerting of old version numbers  
[=] Shell analysis random testing is limited to 100,000 pixels  
[=] Performance improvements with >10000 cells  
[*] Random sampling updated to new analysis method  
[*] Drag and drop of workspaces works on log panel  
[*] Hook length calculation for stubby nuclei  
[*] Crescent moon consensus for round nuclei  
[*] 'Copy from dataset' analysis setup does not replace folder selection  
[*] Merge sources can be highlighted in the cluster tree viewer  


[+] Tree selection of signal groups in signal warper  
[+] Colocalisation visualisation in signal warper  
[+] Shells tab can show shells overlaid on nuclei  
[+] Memory and task monitors  
[=] Images tab can show multiple datasets  
[*] Merges of merges now remember all merge sources  
[*] Signal visibility toggle now affects shells tab  
[*] Wilcoxon tests use pixel or micron as set in global options  


[+] Multiple signal groups displayed in signal warper  
[+] Validation of dataset segmentation on dataset load  
[=] Image probers have grey background to make image boundaries clearer  
[*] Bug copying segments to curated collections  
[*] Bug calculating segment stats  


[=] **Program requires libraries MorphoLibJ and JFreeSVG

- these are included in the complete install file  
[+] Profile samples added to stats export  
[+] Images tab to show all cells annotated in an analysed image  
[+] Ability to export SVG of consensus nucleus  
[=] Profile refolder uses median points for non-lobed cells rather than best-fit nucleus .Can be overridden in config file options  
[=] Image prober does not display irrelevant filters  
[*] Bug calculating bounding rectangle of vertical nuclei  
[*] Bug converting old dataset versions  


[+] Combined analysis setup and image prober  
[+] Consensus nucleus with shells overlaid in shells panel  
[+] Signals>Colocalisation tab to show distances between closest signal pairs between channels  
[+] Ability to export dataset statistics for external analysis (Right click dataset(s)>Export stats)  
[+] Total number of selected cells are shown in dataset table header  
[+] Config file for global options and default analysis parameters  
[+] Program error log file in jar directory  
[=] Reordered tabs to separate cell versus nucleus data  
[=] Improved speed of signal warping  
[*] Correct export of shell bar chart data  
[*] Consensus nucleus refolds correctly  


[+] Charts and tables load in background to reduce UI freezing with large datasets.  
[+] Workspaces to allow multiple nmd files to be reopened in one go.  
[+] Ability to choose chart dataset order by Ctrl-clicking in populations panel  
[+] Ability to set missing border tags via the border tag editing panel without using the Ruleset dialog  
[=] Improved memory efficiency of the program  
[=] Ruleset dialog displays cumulative effect of rules  
[=] Shell analysis can be re-run at will.  
[=] If a consensus nucleus is present, a simulated random shell result is calculated  
[=] Pairwise Venn table has dataset colours  
[=] Pig sperm reference point detection ruleset changed to be more robust.  
[=] Segments cannot be split or merged for child datasets; changes must be made to the root dataset  
[*] New cluster group numbering corrected  


[+] Ruleset dialog to visualise rules used to identify points in a profile, change existing rules, and create new rules  
[+] Ability to create custom BorderTags via the Ruleset dialog  
[+] Violin plots to optionally replace boxplots (toggle via main options)  
[+] Ability to cluster based on profiles of all types, not just angle profiles  
[+] Ability to cluster based on nucleus mesh face sizes  
[+] Program warns on exit if datasets have changed since last save  
[+] Dialog for cell complete resegmentation  
[+] Loading bars to ImageProber windows  
[=] Cluster groups show in populations tree  
[=] Clustering options are greyed out when false or N/A in clusters tab  
[=] Hidden the control panel in  cluster tree viewer  
[=] Replaced cell curation interface to allow looking over of the entire dataset  
[=] Drag-and-drop to open nmd files works across entire interface  
[=] Drag-and-drop of folders will begin a new analysis  
[*] Variability not displaying in scatter plots  
[*] Merged datasets with the same cells from different analyses not displaying in tree viewer  
[*] Signal warper hanging when comparison meshes cannot be created  


[+] Ability to open nmd file by drag-and-drop onto populations panel  
[+] Mean and standard error of the mean to nucleus stats table  
[=] Cell component selection is maintained when cells changed in the cell detail tab  
[=] 'Change scale' and 'Show source image' actions moved from cell info table into buttons  
[=] Redundant options removed from populations popup menu  
[=] Measurement scale (pixels or microns) moved to a global option in the top panel, rather than per chart  
[*] Bounding rectangles not recached on top and bottom vertical point change  
[*] Signal warper cell counter now counts properly  
[*] Consensus nucleus scale is now updated with individual cells  


[+] Ability to copy analysis options from an open dataset when running a new analysis  
[+] Ability to change border tags in the population via Editing>Border tags tab  
[+] Border tags can be set on individual cells via the Editing>Cells tab  
[+] Rulesets for identifying features in a profile 
[+] Nucleus mesh has faces as well as edges  
[+] Nucleus mesh comparisons to consensus in Cells tab  
[+] Warp image to match consensus in cells tab  
[+] Warp nuclear signal images onto a consensus nucleus in Signals overview tab  
[+] Scatter plots for Nucleus Statistics and Signal Statistics  
[+] Option to reverse nucleus profiles via Editing>Cells>Segments tab  
[=] Angle profiles are calculated with a window size proportional to perimeter, not fixed  
[=] Vertical nucleus and head/hook calculations occur on dataset load, rather than first chart caching  
[=] Signal groups are identified by a unique id  
[=] Cells tab has sub-tabs to allow better view of profiles and tables  
[=] Log panel wraps lines to fit horizontal space  
[=] 'Average stats' tab moved to Nucleus stats tab from Analysis info  
[=] Segments editing tab has range chart and detailed point-by-point chart  
[=] Logging levels include FINER  
[=] Images are no longer exported by default  
[=] Scales are in pixels/micron, not microns/pixel by default  
[=] FISH remapping nucleus highlights changed to solid fills  
[*] Signal angle boxplots not taking an accurate median when signals cross 359-0 angle boundary  
[*] ImageProber full scale images had non-functional Yes and No buttons - buttons removed  
[*] ImageProber shows signal channels when appropriate  
[*] Profile charts now have auto-range on y-axis for profile types that are not angles  
[*] Histogram bin size selection does not produce empty bins in integer-stepped datasets  
[*] Bug calculating hook lengths and body widths in rodent sperm  


[+] Overlay of vertically oriented nucleus outlines aligned by centre of mass in 'Nuclear charts':'Overlays' tab  
[+] Segment start positions annotated against consensus nuclei in 'Segments':'Start positions' tab  
[+] Comparison of consensus nucleus meshes  
[+] Splash screen to cover long loading times  
[*] Morpological closing occasionally failed to close single pixel gaps  
[*] Orientation point not assigned to a segment boundary if median profiles have no obvious features  
[*] Program does not warn if Java version is incorrect  
[*] Analysis options not displaying for merged datasets when equal  


[=] **Program requires Java version >=1.8

[=] Moved Mann-Whitney nuclear tests to the Nuclear boxplots panel from Inter-dataset comparisons tab  
[=] Speed improvements in single-threaded segmentation  
[=] Analysis setup options no longer has refold modes - fast is set as default  
[+] Program can use multiple threads for nucleus detection and segmentation  
[+] segment length Mann-Whitney U-tests in Segments panel  
[+] Use segment lengths as clustering or tree-building parameters  
[+] Highlighting of identical analysis setup options across datasets in Nucleus detection tab  
[+] Pairwise magnitude tab in Nucleus charts tab and segments tab  
[+] random sampling of populations to assess significance of sub-population magnitude differences  
[+] data export from charts via right-click menu  
[+] analysis setup option to keep 'failed' nuclei as a separate round cell population  
[+] Testing of angle profile window size changes to a dataset  
[+] all profile types are represented in the profiles and cells tabs  
[+] Ability to perform Kruskal-Wallis tests on franken-normalised median profiles.  
[+] Ability to generate child datasets based on an imported list of cells  
[*] FISH remapping panel header and cancel button text was showing default ImageProber heading text  
[*] Hook and hump assignment was occasionally incorrect for new analyses of rodent sperm  
[*] Background images in cells tab render above the segmented outline  
[*] Segmentation problems with large nuclei  
[*] Populations panel folders expand when panel updates  
[*] Copy button missing from consensus nucleus chart right click menu  


[+] Export the cells in a dataset to allow clusters and curated groups to be imported in future versions  


[=] clustering options dialog reordered for clarity; better customisation of clustering variables  
[=] Comparisons between datasets (Venn, Wilcoxon, Kruskal) have been moved to a single tab, called 'Inter-dataset comparisons'  
[=] The Venn and pairwise Venn tables have been split to separate tabs  
[=] Tabs that allow modification of data have been placed in a new tab called 'Editing'. These are 'Cells' and 'Segmentation'  
[=] Program options are combined into one window  
[+] Kruskal-Wallis comparison of dataset profiles  
[+] Manual cell curator, to remove poorly detected nuclei  
[+] Annotated source image display from Cells tab  
[+] Draggable segment boundary markers to the nucleus profile in the Cells tab, and the median profile in the 'Segmentation' tab  
[+] Cluster group creation for manual clusters  
[+] nucleus tree individual cluster or cluster group highlighting via dropdown menu  
[+] nucleus tree builder without clustering  
[+] tables can be exported to tab-separated text file via right-click menu  
[+] new nucleus statistics - [all] angle between reference and orientation point, [mouse sperm] hook length, body width  
[+] dataset boolean operations  
[+] segment splitting  
[+] Alignment of mouse sperm by the flat region below the hook, and rotation option in the Cells tab  
[+] Ability to update signal source file paths from Signals overview tab  
[*] image paths not recognised when datasets are moved between computers  
[*] log file not being written after initial profiling  
[*] Mouse sperm hook and hump sides mis-assigned causing signal angles to calculate incorrectly  


[=] aspect ratio nuclear stat; uses bounding box height / width, replaces feret / min diameter  
[=] Image Prober to display greyscale images  
[+] confidence intervals about the mean to nuclear statistics tab  
[+] scaling factors for 'full scale' images in title bar in Image Prober  
[+] multi-dataset stats table in segments tab  
[+] histograms and density plots in segments tab  
[+] border tag update when segment boundaries changed in individual nuclei  
[+] newick tree viewer for hierarchical clusters  
[+] manual clustering based on hierarchical tree  
[+] clustering by similarity matrix, as alternative to area, circularity, aspect  
[*] MacOS resource fork files analysed as images in Windows  
[*] bug in pig segmentation (reference point not at tail)  
[*] histogram display bug  
[*] bug displaying null data when errors occur in segments tab  


[+] bounding box measures to nuclear statistics  
[+] pairwise table to Venn tab  
[+] option to re-refold consensus nuclei  
[+] cross-profile dip-test p-value chart to modality panel  
[+] confirm dialog to collection filtering using histograms  
[*] bug in swatch selection  
[*] bug in cell duplication across clusters  
[*] bug in cluster group numbering  


[+] image prober for nuclear signal detection  
[+] new logging system 
[+] caching of some charts to improve speed with large datasets  
[*] bug in colouring of histogram datasets  
[*] bug in duplicate checking of new dataset names  
[*] bug in consensus refolding  
[*] bug in deleting clusters  


[+] images showing the process of nucleus detection to the image prober  
[*] bug in chromocentre flattening  
[*] bug in morphological closing  


[+] ability to merge and unmerge segments  
* Reworked segments display panel for better display of multiple datasets  
[+] micron/pixel display option to charts based on scale set for each cell  
[+] unimodality testing via Hartigan's Dip Test on profile values to the 'Variability'  profile panel  
[+] 'Modality' panel to Profiles panel to display the range of values in the profile at each point  
[+] unimodality testing for nuclear statistics to 'Analysis info' tab  
[+] unimodality testing for segment lengths to 'Segments' stats table  
[+] probability density function to histograms for mode estimation  
[+] manual population filtering from the histograms panel  
* Split clusters and merges to separate tabs for future expansion  
* Allowed multiple clusterings for a dataset; results are stored as cluster groups  
[=] the clustering setup options interface for clarity and future expansion  
[+] external required plugin check on launch  
[*] bugs in segmentation assignment  


[+] ability to merge segments  
[+] multi-dataset view to segment boxplot panel  
[+] segment colouring options via 'Set swatch' option in top panel  
[+] toggle-able display of border tags in profiles  
[+] optional Kuwahara filter in analysis setup  
[+] optional chromocentre flattening in analysis setup  
[+] preview of nuclei detected with analysis options before committing to full analysis  
[*] to consensus panel rendering in multi-dataset view  


[*] Various bug fixes. 
[*] Improved merging of datasets. 
[+] circularity and aspect ratio charts. 
[*] aspect of cell chart.  


[+] Replaced the segment fitter with a more robust version.  
[=] Improvements to the charting.  
[+] ability to read 16 bit greyscale images  


* 1.9.2 Fixes numerous bugs and moves display code for future expansion.  
* 1.9.1 Migrated new analysis to progressable.  
* 1.9.0 Overhaul to allow sperm tail detection and reverse signal detection. UI rearranged.  
* 1.8.1 Numerous bugfixes. Not given out; frozen in favour of 1.9.0  
* 1.8.0 Graphical interface added  
* 1.7.0 Converted to module style. Segmentation of nuclei, basic cluster reprofiling within analysis session.  
* 1.6.2 Added full chi square abillity to shell analysis and fixed Nucleus Detector bug  
* 1.6.1 IQR added to consensus nucleus border. Reanalysis images are individually aligned. Greyscale images converted to RGB. Shell analysis.  
* 1.6.0 Major refactor to add index based profiling and sliding window fitting.  
* 1.5.0 Added a GUI for analysis settings.  
* 1.4.1 All three plugins added to one jar: Nuclear_Analysis.jar  
* 1.4.0 Restructured into separate classes. This version sent to Kent for pig analysis  
* 1.3.0 Internal only  
* 1.2.0 Internal only  
* 1.1.0 Internal only  
* 1.0.0 First working version. Used for demo at Kent and first pass analysis  
