
Clone wiki

Nuclear_Morphology / ui / Populations Panel

Populations panel

The populations panel shows the datasets currently loaded, and allows you to select combinations of datasets to display. The width of the populations panel can be adjusted using the slider between the log panel and the populations panel.


It lists the name of the dataset, the number of cells it contains, and the colour the dataset is represented by in charts. The numbers in brackets in the table header shows the total selected number of datasets and cells.

Two types of dataset can be represented: root datasets and child datasets. A root dataset is the top-level dataset in the tree; it is not a child of any other dataset. Child datasets have a parent dataset; either a root dataset, or another child dataset.

Selecting datasets

Datasets can be selected by:

  • clicking and dragging the mouse to select a block of datasets
  • holding down Shift and clicking the start and end row of a block of datasets
  • holding down Ctrl and clicking individual datasets in the order you want them displayed

Renaming and recolouring datasets

The name of the dataset can be changed by double clicking the dataset name. If a proposed name exists in the panel already, the software will prompt you to choose a different name.

The colour of the dataset for can be set by double clicking the colour box. By default, a colour is selected based on the position of the dataset in the list of all selected datasets: the first is blue, the second yellow, the third green etc. The default colour palette is set via View > Colour palette. The default colour is overridden if a colour has been explicitly set. The colour will be saved with the dataset.

