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PCBmodE / Helping us develop PCBmodE

You're here to help

PCBmodE is being developed by Boldport, a for-profit company. The intention is to keep PCBmodE open-source and fund the development through business activity. This early on, however, we do need funds to bootstrap the business and make PCBmodE more usable, documented, functional, and widely-known. This page spells out some of the ways for you to help us achieve this!

Give us your business

Do you want a beautifully functional board made or designed? Do you know anyone that would be interested in the kind of board we make? Let's make something of it!

Buy overly priced items!

We don't want to take donations (they won't be tax-exempt anyway), so with each payment you will get something physical to touch and display, that's also insanely marked-up.

Pay and get the following, so just do it!
£12 Boldport's "beautifully functional circuits" sticker (38 mm diameter, made by MOO) boldport sticker paypal
£26 A 'pease' board + sticker pease board paypal
£54 A special edition of 'pieceof', the first board ever made with PCBmodE! This is a badge of support, and a great accessory at parties. + sticker pieceof board paypal
£108 "Boldport, beautiful circuits" T-shirt. An instant attention grabber. + sticker, 'pease' and special edition 'pieceof' boldport t-shirt paypal
£162 You're not doing it for the kit, are you? Still, you'll get the sticker, t-shirt, the two boards, and your name and link under "supporters" in the README of the PCBmodE repository. Your emails to us will also be read three times to make sure that what you tell us sinks in and is never forgotten! WOW! paypal

*Shipping is included, wherever you are.

Note: The t-shirts have not been made yet, and will be made when enough quantity is purchased. This won't be unreasonably long, though. It's just that larger quantities makes it cheaper for us. Same goes for the special edition of 'pieceof'. Point is, they will be made, and you'll get the stuff in the near future, promise!

Contribute code

Being an open source software (Apache License) makes it easy for you to contribute your skills to the project. Get those pull requests going.


Help us spread the word by


The fact that you're here and reading this is a huge boost of support on its own! We like hearing what you like, but even more so, hearing your critiques. Tell us what works for you and what doesn't. Tell us how PCBmodE can be made more useful to you. Email with your thoughts.
