Backend produces invalid data for test/src/too_many_loops.cpp

Issue #26 resolved
Botond Ballo repo owner created an issue

The "function" entry does not contain all of the lines of the function, and the "execution" entry refers to lines not included in "function", causing the frontend to complain.

Comments (2)

  1. Botond Ballo reporter

    Do not 'step' at the beginning of navigation if using vanilla gdb (fixes #26)

    Stepping is appropriate if we've just run reverse-finish (which we do only when called from inside rr), but not otherwise.

    This bug was causing several tests to produce incorrect output, which was reflected in the 'expected' outputs being incorrect (to make the tests pass). This patch updates the 'expected' outputs to match the (now correct) actual outputs.

    There was also a bug in test/gdb/empty.gdb, where it intended to break on line 1 (inside empty()), but actually broke on line 4 (inside main()). Somehow, that bug and the bug being fixed here cancelled out to produce the correct output.

    → <<cset 8d2e5847b866>>

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