
Benjamin J. DeLong WordPress Add Custom Post Type & shortcode (needs work)

Created by Benjamin J. DeLong

File plugin-name.php Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+    Author: bozdoz
+    Author URI:
+    Plugin Name: Rachael Simonds Media Posts
+    Description: A plugin for creating Photography, Print, Drawing, and Other media types for Rachael Simonds.
+    Version: 0.1.0
+    License: GPL2
+    */
+add_action( 'init', 'add_all_custom_posts' );
+function add_all_custom_posts() {
+	$allmedia = array(
+		array(
+			'title' => 'Photography',
+			'name' => 'photo'
+		),
+		array(
+			'title' => 'Print',
+			'name' => 'print'
+		),
+		array(
+			'title' => 'Drawing',
+			'name' => 'drawing'
+		),
+		array(
+			'title' => 'Other Media',
+			'name' => 'other'
+		),
+		array(
+			'title' => 'Photography',
+			'name' => 'photo'
+		),
+	);
+	function getArgs ($arr) {
+		extract($arr);
+		$labels = array(
+			'name'               => _x( "$title", 'post type general name' ),
+			'singular_name'      => _x( "$name", 'post type singular name' ),
+			'add_new'            => _x( "Add New", "$name" ),
+			'add_new_item'       => __( "Add New $name" ),
+			'edit_item'          => __( "Edit $name" ),
+			'new_item'           => __( "New $name" ),
+			'all_items'          => __( "All $title" ),
+			'view_item'          => __( "View $name" ),
+			'search_items'       => __( "Search $title" ),
+			'not_found'          => __( "No $title found" ),
+			'not_found_in_trash' => __( "No $title found in the Trash" ), 
+			'parent_item_colon'  => '',
+			'menu_name'          => "$title"
+		);
+		$args = array(
+			'labels'        => $labels,
+			'description'   => "Holds our $title and $name specific data",
+			'public'        => true,
+			'menu_position' => 5,
+			'supports'      => array( 'title', 'editor', 'thumbnail', 'excerpt', 'comments' ),
+			'has_archive'   => true,
+		);
+		return $args;
+	}
+	foreach ($allmedia as $arr) {
+		register_post_type($arr['name'], getArgs($arr) );
+	}
+/* shortcode for displaying all custom media posts */
+add_shortcode('rachael-simonds-media', 'displayMedia');
+function displayMedia () {
+    $args = array(
+    	'posts_per_page'   => 40,
+    	'orderby'          => 'id',
+    	'order'            => 'DESC',
+    	'post_type'        => 'team',
+    	'post_status'      => 'publish'); 
+    $teams = get_posts( $args );
+    $html = '<div class="team-list">';
+    foreach ( $teams as $team ) {
+    	$thumb_url = get_the_post_thumbnail_url($team->ID, array(400,400)); 
+    	$permalink = get_permalink($team->ID); 
+    	$position = get_post_meta($team->ID, 'team_position', true);
+    	$html .= "<a class=\"img-holder\" 
+			href=\"$permalink\"
+			title=\"$team->post_title\">
+			<span class=\"img img-block\"
+				style=\"background-image:url( $thumb_url );\">
+				<span class=\"img-screen\">
+					<span class=\"center-vertical\">
+					<span class=\"img-title\">$team->post_title</span>
+					<span class=\"img-subtitle\">$position</span>
+					</span>
+				</span>
+			</span>
+		</a>";
+    }
+    $html .= '</div>';
+    wp_reset_postdata();
+    return $html;

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