
Monil Gandhi Delete One Voice Number

Created by Monil Gandhi

File DeleteOneVoice.php Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+require_once (__DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php');
+ *
+ * @author braango
+ *        
+ *         Sample code showing how to delete one Voice number for
+ *         given personnel
+ *        
+ */
+// TEST auth token. Please contact
+// to have one
+// created for you
+Braango\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('auth_token', 'ISNWF0P30WM0CMK');
+$api_instance = new Braango\braangoapi\VoiceApi();
+// string | id of _sub_dealer_
+$subdealerid = "subdealers2002";
+// string | id of _personnel_
+$salespersonid = "945cddce-6ef6-46e4-ac70-09375cf5165a";
+// string | voice number
+$number = "(408) 872-3445";
+// string | API Key to access this dealer's resources.
+// Value was returned when create_account api was called and dealer was created first time
+$apiKey = "ISNMdzuNiKG7jhl9d9v";
+// string | Dealer or partner is accessing this API
+$accountType = "partner";
+try {
+    $result = $api_instance->deleteOneVoice($subdealerid, $salespersonid, $number, $apiKey, $accountType);
+    if ($result != null) {
+        // Extract out response hdr and bdy
+        $rspHdr = $result->getHeader();
+        if ($requestHdr = ! null) {
+            $rspId = $rspHdr->getId();
+            $braangoRequestId = $rspHdr->getIsnRequestId();
+            print_r("Response ID = " . $rspId . ", API Request Id = " . $braangoRequestId . "\n");
+        }
+        $rspBdy = $result->getBody();
+        if ($rspBdy != null) {
+            $status = $rspBdy->getStatus();
+            // Typically this value should be always SUCCESS else exception will be thrown
+            // Sometimes, this can be WARNING to indicate if any resource conflicted or not
+            // In case of SUCCESS or WARNING, resources are always created (excepting warned sub-resources)
+            print_r("Status = " . $status . "\n");
+            $voiceOutputBodyData = $rspBdy->getData();
+            $voiceOutputBodyDataVoiceList = array();
+            $voiceList = $voiceOutputBodyData->getVoiceList();
+            print "Voice List : ";
+            print_r(array_values($voiceList));
+        }
+    }
+} catch (Exception $e) {
+    echo 'Exception when calling VoiceApi->deleteOneVoice: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

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