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Rug.Osc.UnityWrapper / Home

AutoOsc for Unity beta by Brian Chasalow, 2013 bugs/donations? Please email


Release notes:
v.0.8.1: renaming/structural/documentation fix, and a minor bugfix for editor gui
v.0.8.0: functional on OSX (Unity Pro) and iOS (Unity Basic) 
  • Currently supports OSX (Unity Pro) and iOS (Unity Basic)
  • Osc Backend powered by a fork of Phill Tew's Rug.OSC from
  • Bonjour powered by a fork of Mono.ZeroConf, incredibly-far-forked from the source repo, so maintained as part of this repo.
  • You may choose to send and receive to many or just one destinations simultaneously. Optionally supports multicast.


Open the unitypackage in Unity Pro and import it into a new or existing project. Go to build settings/player settings/api compatibility level and set it to '.net 2.0' not '.net 2.0 subset' or you will get build errors.


first, register a sender. there are 3 ways to do it:

1) from code:

AutoOscSender.AddSender(new OscServerDescription("mySenderName", "", 5000));
2) from code, if you are expecting a bonjour server:
AutoOscSender.AddSender("mySenderName"); //(mySenderName would be the name your other app registers with Bonjour)
3) from the AutoOscSender GUI inspector: fill out your server info and click 'Add'. If a bonjour server is already online, you may click 'add' from the drop-down and it will automatically fill in the ip/port.

Now, send some stuff!

AutoOscSender.Send(senderName1, new Rug.Osc.OscMessage("/test", Random.Range (0.0f, 100.0f)));


first, register a receiver. there are 3 ways to do it:

1) from code:

AutoOscReceiver.AddReceiver(controllerName, 5001, true); 
2) from code:
AutoOscReceiver.AddReceiver(controllerName, 5001, 
                                                    false, //whether or not you want to register this name/port as a bonjour service.
                                                    true, //optionally set isMulticast true if you want to receive multicast packets.
                                                    ""); //if isMulticast is true, set your multicast group to join here. 
                                                            //must be within specific ranges specified by multicast spec

3) from the AutoOscReceiver GUI inspector: fill out your server info here.

now register some methods (i.e., ReceiveColor) to receive your 'osc address patterns' (i.e., /vdmx/colorPlz) in Start() and OnDestroy().

void Start(){
        AutoOscReceiver.RegisterReceiveMethod(controllerName, //the controllerName passed in to AutoOscReceiver.AddReceiver,
 "/vdmx/colorPlz", //the address pattern you want to receive,
 ReceiveColor);  //the delegate method to call when your address pattern is received- this must be a function that takes OscMessage as a parameter

void OnDestroy(){   
        AutoOscReceiver.UnregisterReceiveMethod(controllerName, "/vdmx/colorPlz", ReceiveColor); 
//and make sure the function you're passing takes an OscMessage as a parameter, and you parse it like so:
public void ReceiveColor (OscMessage message) {     
    if(message[0] is OscColor){
        OscColor col = (OscColor)message[0];
        Color32 color = new Color32((byte)col.R,(byte) col.G, (byte)col.B,(byte) col.A);
        renderer.material.color = color;
see ReceiveOscExample.cs for more examples of how to parse bool, int, float, string, Vector3 (or an arbitrary # count), etc.

TL;DR: call AutoOscReceiver.AddReceiver and AutoOscReceiver.RegisterReceiveMethod in Start(), call AutoOscReceiver.UnregisterReceiveMethod in OnDestroy(), and define a callback like ReceiveColor.

//TODO: Should fallback gracefully to no bonjour support if not using Pro, while still supporting OSC features. Will look into Windows/Android support in the future- needs windows testing. WebPlayer support is unlikely.

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