Identify "blocked" pull requests in the "My pull requests" drop down.

Issue #17 new
Jonathan Schwietert created an issue

It would be extremely handy to be able to quickly view all pull requests that I have "blocked". Without this its very difficult to locate and view any of these "blocked" pull requests. For example, the screenshot i've attached was taken with approximately 6 of my pull requests in the "blocked" state. Some ideas: adding a new tab (in addition to "Reviewing" and "Created") labeled "Blocked"; leaving the "blocked" pull requests under the "Reviewing" tab and distinguishing them from any other unaccepted/unblocked pull requests.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Btw, we're on a trial period of your add-on and looking forward to purchasing it soon.

Comments (3)

  1. Georgy Bolyuba

    I am actually looking in possibility of adding couple of features as a part of 2.0.0 based on inbox plugin and what you describing is close to one of the features I consider. I feel like inbox feature is not used to its full potential (just like PR workflow). I will use this issue to keep you posted on the plans for 2.0.0 in connection with this/similar feature

  2. Jonathan Schwietert reporter

    I agree - it could be much more helpful. Creating a contrast between fully new and read but undecided pull requests is another improvement they could make. I'm glad to hear you've got some ideas related to this and i'm excited to see your new release. Thanks!

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