Missing "Pause" button

Issue #22 new
Alex Antonov created an issue

After installing a trial of the plugin I am unable to see the "Pause" button in the Pull Request. Has that feature been silently removed or what is the correct way to enable/access that functionality?

Comments (18)

  1. Georgy Bolyuba

    I am digging though conditions and trying to reproduce the issue. Can other users see Block button? Can you check admin page to make sure all components of the plugin are up and running?

  2. Alex Antonov reporter

    All the components in the Admin section show to be installed successfully. Other users can see the "Block" button without issues, but no-one can see the "Pause" button. The Pull Request in the sample is non-mergable due to a merge conflict in the code. Could that be the reason why the "Pause" functionality is not displayed?

  3. Georgy Bolyuba

    Can you confirm that users without write access to the target repo (in your case you have merge button displayed so you have write access) do not see Pause button ether?

  4. Alex Antonov reporter

    Just tried adding a person without write access to the pull request as a reviewer, and he only sees "Approve" and "Block" buttons.

  5. Alex Antonov reporter

    Any progress on identifying where the 'Pause' functionality has disappeared?

    Can you explain what is the logic that determines the appearance of the "Pause" button, who should see it and be able to invoke it?

    Is there a minimum version of Stash that is required for the "Pause" to work? (We are using version 2.6.3)

    This is the major reason for our interest in this plugin, but it does not seem to be working. :(

  6. Georgy Bolyuba

    Apologies, I was not able to look into this due to personal reasons. Alex, do you think it would be possible to have an online chat via Skype or similar so we can investigate this issue in real time?

  7. Alex Antonov reporter

    Sure, I think this is something that could be arranged. How does your schedule look for tomorrow, what timezone are you in?

  8. Georgy Bolyuba

    Which Stash version are you running? Which plugin version? Can you confirm that you have enabled the plugin for the repository you are working with? Can you post a screenshot of your pull request settings page?

  9. Former user Account Deleted

    Stash: 3.3.2 Plugin: 1.3.1

    I don't see any options to enable plugin in repository. Where can I do this?

  10. Georgy Bolyuba

    Ignore please the config part, I did not release that feature :). Do you see anything in your log files? Anything at all that can point at the problem? Try to grep for com.bolyuba

  11. Former user Account Deleted

    I didn't saw anything in logs. Is there any possibilities to increase level logs in stash? Or add extra logging from your plugin?

  12. Georgy Bolyuba

    Can you post a screen shot of your PR please? I am running 3.3.2 stash with 1.3.1 plugin and I can see all the buttons. It would also help if you can post screenshot of your pluging management page with components status of this plugin.

    Re logs: Plugin itself is logs to console and it should show up in atlassian-stash.log. Try enable debug logging in Administration -> Logging and Profiling (very last option at the bottom)

  13. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi. Everything works fine. It was problem with wrong license. Sorry for problem.

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