Blocked status indicator doesn't show in PRs pane

Issue #33 new
Barry van Oudtshoorn created an issue

The PRs pane in the top-right (the inbox?) doesn't include the blocked indicator for PRs -- it's necessary to open the PR to see this. This means that it's not immediately clear whether or not a PR in your queue has been dealt with.

Comments (4)

  1. Georgy Bolyuba

    That feature was rolled back some time ago. There are a couple of Stash design decisions that prevent us form easily implementing that functionality. It is on our list of feature to implement

  2. Eric Kelm

    This would be a great feature for us, as most of the PR authors just check the inbox to see where their PR is at in the review process. We use the Approve/Block to show an author that all reviewers have given their assessment and they can push any required updates to the branch, to help eliminate churn.

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