no builds for automerge after manually branch merging

Issue #39 new
evgeniia.bessarab created an issue

Hello! Can you help me?^)

I have problem in this case: 1.I created branch "feature1" from branch develop 2.I created branch "feature2" from branch develop 3. I changed file1 in branch "feature1", made commit, create PR, all developers approved it, then in was automerged 4. I changde file2 in branch "feature2", made commit, create PR, i merged in feature2 from branch develop, all developers approved it, but it can't be automerged because we have this setting "Requires automerge commit to build successfully", and there no builds for automerge. In our CI server(Teamcity) we have successfull builds on /from and /merge.

What can we do to merge this PR? Do you have such problem?

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