Failed to render stash.plugins.blockpullrequest.fragment

Issue #42 resolved
Evgeny Bushkov created an issue

When I choose 'Settings' - 'Pull requests' I get a 500 error: "Failed to render stash.plugins.blockpullrequest.fragment"

Comments (5)

  1. Evgeny Bushkov reporter

    Your question is not to me but I can tell what I did. I talked to our developers and we decided to temporarily disable blockpullrequest. After that the issue resolved.

  2. Georgy Bolyuba

    New versions of the plugin are available on marketplace now. They fix this issue among other small stuff.

  3. Thomas Gaffney Account Deactivated

    We are also having this exact problem with 4.6.0 and bb server v4.14.5. Please advise.

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