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ucsb-geog-icm / Infrastructure

Infrastructure Diagram

Services Infrastructure Diagram

Servers, Services, and Roles

Web Tier

  • WEB-1 ( <=>

    • Virtual Machine running on the NHDC Infrastructure
    • & are A records for (

    Services Running:

    • Apache (HTTPD)
      • - Live production url for UCSB ICM
      • - Latest development version from git branch develop
      • - Hydration Station Map
      • - Campus Flora Map (CCBER)
      • http://* - Personal sites for UCSB ICM developers
    • Tomcat 7 (
    • ArcGIS 10.2.x Web Adaptor (
    • Solr Search Engine (port 8983 but accessible only via http://localhost:8983/solr/ in production)

GIS Tier

  • GIS1 (

    • Virtual Machine running on HV1 (Windows 2012 Server running Hyper-V)
    • 32GB RAM

    Services Running:

    • ArcGIS Server 10.2 (port 6080)

  • GIS2 (

    • Virtual Machine running on HV2 (Windows 2012 Server running Hyper-V)
    • 32GB RAM

    Services Running:

    • ArcGIS Server 10.2 (port 6080)

Data Tier

  • AGS-RAID (

    • Physical Server running Window Server 2012

    Services Running

    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • Windows Folder Share (SAMBA)
      • \\ags-raid\data\ - User and Group Data
      • \\ags-raid\arcgisserver\ - ArcGIS Server files used ArcGIS Server(s) in GIS Tier.
    • Scheduled Tasks to make a backup of the MySQL PostgreSQL databases and the /data/ directory and copy it to AGS-RAID2.

  • AGS-RAID2 (

    • Physical Server running Windows Server 2012
    • Receives and stores nightly backups from ags-raid for the last 7 days.

    Services Running:

    • Windows Folder Share (SAMBA)
      • \\ags-raid2\backups\ - Provides a remote location for AGS-RAID to push it's backups to.
