With noscript, FitText titles stay behind body text

Issue #1 new
Tierney Coren created an issue

If you enable noscript (in your developer tools) you'll notice that the FitText title stays centered on the screen behind the text when you scroll down. I had this brought to my attention when I was using a previous version of the theme (I believe it was called RollsRoyce) and posted an article to HN, a user on which informed me of the problem.

I messed around with it for a minute in Firefox Developer Tools and found that setting the .art-body element's background to #fff effectively solves the problem. Also, footer.footer could use the same treatment, as the title peaks out when you scroll to the bottom.

Would have done a pull request, but I'm not very good with GIt and to do it through a GUI on BitBucket you seem to have to download an app, which I did, and install it correctly, which it didn't on my machine. Sorry.

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