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ArchitectjEditPlugin / Installation

There are multiple options for installing the Archie plugin as follows;


The Bundled options gives you a full JRE, jEdit, the Archie Plugin pre-installed and a start.bat for running jEdit. This is by far the easiest way to get started.

The downside of this option is that you won't get proper Shortcuts installed, and you won't get Open In jEdit options on context menus. If this matters to you, use the Non-bundled option below.

1. Install

  1. Download the most recent of either the [32 bit] or [64 bit] bundle (~70MB).
  2. Extract the contents to the location from which you want to run jEdit
  3. Double click the start.bat file to run jEdit.
  4. Optionally, you can run it from the command line, and pass the file to open as an argument: start.bat file.txt, or hack the bat file to your liking.

2. Upgrade

  1. Delete the old installation (your user settings will be kept in %appdata%/jedit)
  2. Repeat the Install process above for the newer version of the bundle.

Non-bundled (Advanced)

If you already have jEdit, or prefer to set it up yourself use this option. The benefit of using the jEdit installer is that you will get proper Shortcuts installed, and Open In jEdit options on windows context menus.

1. New Install

  1. Download and Install the latest version of Java - you will need at least version 1.7 to use this plugin.
  2. Download and install jEdit
  3. Download archiePluginSet.xml.
  4. Open jEdit, go to the Plugin Manager, select the Install tab, click the Choose a Plugin Set button, and select the archiePluginSet.xml file you downloaded in the step above.

  5. Click Install.

  6. Download the latest ArchitectjEditPlugin-x.x.jar file and copy it to %appdata%/jEdit/jars (hint - paste %appdata%/jEdit/jars into windows explorer.)

  7. In jEdit, go to the Plugin Manager, select the Manage tab, and check the ArchitectjEditPlugin-x.x.jar entry to load the plugin.

  8. In jEdit open Global Options CTRL + F12, select Shortcuts in the tree on the left, and in the main panel, select the archieDefaultKeymap keymap from the dropdown.

  9. Still in Global Options, change to the Plugin Options tab and select Architect from the tree on the left. Enter the full path to the Acurity.chm Help file you want to use for context sensitive help. E.g. C:/Acurity/Acurity.chm

  10. Click Apply

  11. From the jEdit menu bar go Plugins->SideKick->Sidekick to enable Sidekick, Plugins->ErrorList->ErrorList to enable ErrorList and CTRL + Q should activate the ArchieDoc Viewer. You can right click each of these to dock them where you want them in the editor.

2. Upgrade

  1. Stop jEdit (and quit the jEdit Server if applicable)
  2. Delete/backup the old ArchitectjEditPlugin-x.x.jar from %appdata%/jEdit/jars
  3. Download the most recent Archie Plugin and copy it to %appdata%/jEdit/jars (hint - paste the text into windows explorer.).

  4. Start jEdit
