Options for setting min and max Price search

Issue #20 resolved
J. Chuck Mailen created an issue

Users need the ability to select their own min and max values for the price search. Right now it is hard coded to a maximum of 100,000 - this assumes the visitor is using US dollars. If the currency isn't USD then the 100,000 maximum may not make sense. Allowing the users to select the min, max and even the "spacing between" values would be beneficial.

Comments (1)

  1. J. Chuck Mailen reporter
    • Added ability to hide vehicle condition on default templates
    • Added unique type based CSS classes on the vehicle fields and labels
    • Added constant CD_NO_SESSION - if defined session_start() won't be called even if no session_id has been generated
    • Added constant CD_NO_AFFILIATES - if defined the sales affiliate code and car_demon_subdomains will be disabled
    • Added constants CD_PRICE_START, CD_PRICE_STOP, CD_PRICE_gap to control price drop down options available in search form
    • Added constants CD_MILEAGE_START, CD_MILEAGE_STOP, CD_MILEAGE_gap to control mileage drop down options available in search form
    • Added filter cd_search_price_filter for filtering all price search options available in the search form
    • Added filter cd_search_mileage_filter for filtering all mileage search options available in the search form
    • Fixes issue #20
    • Added filter cd_price_format for filtering price format in search form
    • Added filter cd_mileage_format for filtering mileage format in search form
    • Fixes issue #21
    • Added javascript to prevent users from entering non-numeric prices
    • Added Constant CD_NON_NUMERIC_PRICE to disable javascript to prevent non numeric prices from being entered
    • Fixes issue #18
    • Added confirmation to reset button to make sure user is aware it will reset everything
    • Fixes issue #7

    → <<cset 30518fc058ee>>

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