Restrict users who can edit specification and other tabs.

Issue #22 resolved
J. Chuck Mailen created an issue

The current version of Car Demon allows you to restrict who can edit the default vehicle fields. This ability should also be added to specifications and the other tabs as well.

Suggest this is done on a per tab basis, meaning if you give permission for the specification tab then any user with the gives role can then edit all specification fields, but must also have permission to edit the information in each of the other tabs respectively.

Comments (1)

  1. J. Chuck Mailen reporter
    • Added role capabilty to vehicle specs and options Fixes Issue #22
    • User must have role edit_posts by default to edit each section
    • Added filter for cd_cap_settings_filters so developers can manipulate Car Demon capabilities
    • Added filter for cd_cap_default_settings_filter so developers can manipulate the default Car Demon capabilities
    • Added constant CD_RESTRICT_OPTIONS_MSG, if defined it will use the option's capbility to determine if a visitor can see data
    • Example: define( 'CD_RESTRICT_OPTIONS_MSG', 'Register to see details' );
    • Added constant CD_RESTRICT_SPECS_MSG if defined it will use the specs's capbility to determine if a visitor can see data
    • Example: define( 'CD_RESTRICT_SPECS_MSG', 'Register to see specs' );
    • Added constant CD_RESTRICT_SPECS_ALL_MSS if defined the specs message will only display one time per section
    • Example: define( 'CD_RESTRICT_SPECS_ALL_MSS', true );

    → <<cset e368fdf8c2dd>>

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