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Welcome to the Online System Identification Wiki
This wiki will guide the user of the online system identification and contingency detection modules through the different steps of installing and running the system.
Please first follow the guide for installing the fixed-wing trajectory controller, ArduPilot patch and MAVRos patch as explained in this Wiki.
Now, assuming that all the above steps are completed, clone the following repositories:
#!bash cd ~/fixedwing_ws/src git clone git clone sysid git clone git clone
To build the repositories:
#!bash cd ~/fixedwing_ws catkin build
Running the modules
First, parameters should be loaded:
roslaunch sysid demo_params.launch
As the next step, MavProxy and MavROS modules should start (with SITL if it's a simulation). Then the trajectory controller should be loaded. For more information, please refer to Fixed-Wing Controller Wiki.
Then, the system identification, contingency detection and emergency responder modules can be run as below:
rosrun sysid sysid_node
rosrun contingency_detector contingency_detector_node
rosrun emergency_responder emergency_responder_node
roslaunch ~/fixedwing_ws/src/fixed_wing_explorer/launch/savebag.launch
For more questions about the system or to report any bugs in the code/Wiki, please contact Azarakhsh Keipour.