SEQCOUNT ERROR:: system args failed: 65280

Issue #109 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi everyone,

I was running a RNA-seq analysis test with miRNAs, everything was going fine but in the Readcount Analysis module, appears the following error "SEQCOUNT ERROR:: system args failed: 65280" and then appears different folder pathways:

(mkdir -p Examples/basic_examples/miRNAs/Known_miRNAs/results//cut_bw2_readcount_results/ ;featureCounts -s 1 -t miRNA -g transcript_id -T 4 -a Examples/basic_examples/miRNAs/Known_miRNAs/Arabidopsis_thaliana/Ensembl/TAIR10/Annotation/Genes/genes.gtf -o Examples/basic_examples/miRNAs/Known_miRNAs/results//cut_bw2_readcount_results/ Examples/basic_examples/miRNAs/Known_miRNAs/results//Bowtie2_results/SRR3269277_cut_bw2.sam 2>> Examples/basic_examples/miRNAs/Known_miRNAs/results//miARma_logfile.8204.log) at lib/CbBio/RNASeq/ line 200, <STAT> line 336.

I'm new in bioformatics so I do not understand what I am missing. I would appreciate any help.


Comments (6)

  1. Eduardo Andres Leon

    Hi ! Could you be so kind to attach the summary xls file created in the output_dir folder?

    Thanks in advance

  2. Eduardo Andres Leon

    Hi, Before checking anything else ,,, are you sure that the provided adapter sequence is correct ? Only 3.4 and 0.1% of the reads are processed. Due to tha,t most of your reads (79 and 99%) are discarded because of the size (too long reads).

    If you check the alignment, only 750 and 50k reads are aligned so, I guess that the readcount fails because there is no enough read to count

    Could you check the adapter sequence ?


  3. camilarm

    Ah, ok!

    That may be the problem, because I assumed that library data was made with truseq small RNA kit, where exists two adapter sequences, and I had pick one out of that two. I could try with the other one and see what happens.

    Thank you very much!

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